
Oregon List, (84 species)

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Anseriformes:Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl)

 1)  Snow Goose W/E/C Anser caerulescens 2013/11/11, 9:43 am, Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, Brazoria, TX
 2)  Canada Goose W/E/C Branta canadensis 2013/07/01, 7:39 am, Rathje Park, Wheaton, IL
 3)  Tundra Swan W/E/C Cygnus columbianus 2014/01/26, 5:00 pm, William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Corvallis, OR
 4)  Gadwall W/E/C Mareca strepera 2013/11/11, 1:06 pm, Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, Brazoria, TX
 5)  American Wigeon W/E/C Mareca americana 2013/11/11, 2:11 pm, Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, Brazoria, TX
 6)  Mallard W/E/C Anas platyrhynchos 2013/04/01, 6:41 pm, Lake Nassau, Nassau Bay, TX
 7)  Northern Pintail W/E/C Anas acuta 2013/12/29, 12:45 pm, Bosque Del Apache NWR, San Antonio, NM
 8)  Ring-necked Duck W/E/C Aythya collaris 2013/11/08, 3:11 pm, Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, Anahuac, TX
 9)  Bufflehead W/E/C Bucephala albeola 2013/12/30, 11:24 am, Bosque Del Apache NWR, San Antonio, NM
 10)  Hooded Merganser W/E/C Lophodytes cucullatus 2014/01/12, 11:00 am, Seabrook, TX
 11)  Common Merganser W/E/C Mergus merganser 2013/12/28, 11:40 pm, Bottomless Lakes State Park, Roswell, NM
 12)  Ruddy Duck W/E/C Oxyura jamaicensis 2013/11/03, 11:45 am, Lake Nassau, Nassau Bay, TX

Podicipediformes:Podicipedidae (Grebes)

 13)  Western Grebe W/E/C Aechmophorus occidentalis 2014/08/03, 1:01 pm, Patricks Point State Park, Trinidad, CA
 14)  Clark's Grebe W/E/C Aechmophorus clarkii 2018/7/30, 6:22pm, Putnam's Point, Klamath Falls, OR

Suliformes:Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants and Shags)

 15)  Double-crested Cormorant W/E/C Phalacrocorax auritus 2013/04/13, 8:21 am, Clear Lake Park, Pasadena, TX

Pelecaniformes:Ardeidae (Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns)

 16)  Great Blue Heron W/E/C Ardea herodias 2013/04/11, 5:54 pm, Pine Gully Park, Seabrook, TX
 17)  Great Egret W/E/C Ardea alba 2013/04/06, 12:09 pm, Taylor Lake, El Lago, TX

Cathartiformes:Cathartidae (New World Vultures)

 18)  Turkey Vulture W/E/C Cathartes aura 2013/04/04, 5:39 pm, Clear Lake Park, Pasadena, TX

Accipitriformes:Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles, and Kites)

 19)  Bald Eagle W/E/C Haliaeetus leucocephalus 2013/12/29, 9:50 am, Bosque Del Apache NWR, San Antonio, NM
 20)  Red-tailed Hawk W/E/C Buteo jamaicensis 2013/11/08, 10:22 am, Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, Anahuac, TX

Gruiformes:Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots)

 21)  American Coot W/E/C Fulica americana 2013/04/01, 6:41 pm, Lake Nassau, Nassau Bay, TX

Charadriiformes:Scolopacidae (Sandpipers and Allies)

 22)  Spotted Sandpiper W/E/C Actitis macularius 2013/10/25, 1:16 pm, Pine Gully Park, Seabrook, TX

Charadriiformes:Laridae (Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers)

 23)  Ring-billed Gull W/E/C Larus delawarensis 2013/04/22, 6:10 pm, Clear Lake Park, Pasadena, TX
 24)  Western Gull W/E/C Larus occidentalis 2014/08/01, 12:01 pm, Acata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary, Arcata, CA
 25)  Glaucous-winged Gull W/E/C Larus glaucescens 2014/01/28, 9:14 am, Chapman Ponds, Seaside, OR

Columbiformes:Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves)

 26)  Eurasian Collared-Dove W/E/C Streptopelia decaocto 2013/05/04, 5:43 pm, Ed White Elementary School, El Lago, TX
 27)  Mourning Dove W/E/C Zenaida macroura 2013/04/13, 9:28 am, Lake Nassau, Nassau Bay, TX

Caprimulgiformes:Trochilidae (Hummingbirds)

 28)  Anna's Hummingbird W/E/C Calypte anna 2014/01/28, 9:40 am, Chapman Ponds, Seaside, OR
 29)  Rufous Hummingbird W/E/C Selasphorus rufus 2014/09/13, 10:32 am, Kleb Woods Nature Center, Tomball, TX

Coraciiformes:Alcedinidae (Kingfishers)

 30)  Belted Kingfisher W/E/C Megaceryle alcyon 2013/09/14, 1:59 pm, Little Cedar Bayou Park, La Porte, TX

Piciformes:Picidae (Woodpeckers)

 31)  Red-breasted Sapsucker W/E/C Sphyrapicus ruber 2015/06/29, 1:12 pm, Titlow Hill Road, CA
 32)  Hairy Woodpecker W/E/C Picoides villosus 2013/06/26, 4:11 pm, Lincoln Marsh Natural Area, Wheaton, IL
 33)  White-headed Woodpecker W/E/C Picoides albolarvatus 2018/8/2, 10:44am, Cabin Lake Bird Blinds, Fort Rock, OR
 34)  Northern Flicker W/E/C Colaptes auratus 2013/12/30, 4:01 pm, Bosque Del Apache NWR, San Antonio, NM

Passeriformes:Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers)

 35)  Western Wood-Pewee W/E/C Contopus sordidulus 2015/06/23, 9:50 am, Madera Canyon, AZ
 36)  Dusky Flycatcher W/E/C Empidonax oberholseri 2018/8/4, 6:16pm, Wildwood Recreation Area, Welches, OR
 37)  Pacific-slope Flycatcher W/E/C Empidonax difficilis 2015/06/28, 1:30 pm, Prairie Creek Redwoods, CA

Passeriformes:Corvidae (Crows, Jays, and Magpies)

 38)  Canada Jay W/E/C Perisoreus canadensis 2018/7/31, 3:30pm, Crater Lake National Park, OR
 39)  Pinyon Jay W/E/C Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus 2018/8/2, 10:30am, Cabin Lake Bird Blinds, Fort Rock, OR
 40)  Steller's Jay W/E/C Cyanocitta stelleri 2014/01/28, 9:15 am, Chapman Ponds, Seaside, OR
 41)  California Scrub-Jay W/E/C Aphelocoma californica 2014/01/25, 9:14 am, Chinatown District, Portland, OR
 42)  Clark's Nutcracker W/E/C Nucifraga columbiana 2015/07/01, 1:38 pm, Crater Lake National Park, OR
 43)  American Crow W/E/C Corvus brachyrhynchos 2013/04/28, 12:24 pm, Ed White Elementary School, El Lago, TX
 44)  Common Raven W/E/C Corvus corax 2013/12/29, 10:54 am, Bosque Del Apache NWR, San Antonio, NM

Passeriformes:Hirundinidae (Swallows)

 45)  Violet-green Swallow W/E/C Tachycineta thalassina 2015/07/04, 6:17 pm, Anacortes, WA

Passeriformes:Paridae (Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice)

 46)  Black-capped Chickadee W/E/C Poecile atricapillus 2013/06/21, 8:39 am, Wheaton, IL
 47)  Mountain Chickadee W/E/C Poecile gambeli 2015/06/29, 12:52 am, Titlow Hill Road, CA
 48)  Chestnut-backed Chickadee W/E/C Poecile rufescens 2014/01/27, 2:47 pm, Fort Stevens State Park, Hammond, OR

Passeriformes:Sittidae (Nuthatches)

 49)  Red-breasted Nuthatch W/E/C Sitta canadensis 2015/06/29, 9:36 am, Horse Mountain, CA
 50)  White-breasted Nuthatch W/E/C Sitta carolinensis 2014/10/16, 3:22pm, Freeport, IL
 51)  Pygmy Nuthatch W/E/C Sitta pygmaea 2018/8/2, 10:21am, Cabin Lake Bird Blinds, Fort Rock, OR

Passeriformes:Certhiidae (Treecreepers)

 52)  Brown Creeper W/E/C Certhia americana 2015/06/22, 6:40 am, Portal Peak Canyon, AZ

Passeriformes:Troglodytidae (Wrens)

 53)  Bewick's Wren W/E/C Thryomanes bewickii 2013/08/16, 9:19 am, Purgatory Creek Park, San Marcos, TX

Passeriformes:Cinclidae (Dippers)

 54)  American Dipper W/E/C Cinclus mexicanus 2018/8/4, 10:30am, Tucker County Park, Hood River, OR

Passeriformes:Regulidae (Kinglets)

 55)  Ruby-crowned Kinglet W/E/C Regulus calendula 2013/10/04, 11:29 am, Seabrook Wildlife Refuge, Seabrook, TX

Passeriformes:Turdidae (Thrushes and Allies)

 56)  Western Bluebird W/E/C Sialia mexicana 2013/12/31, 10:38 am, Valley of Fires Recreation Area, Carrizozo, NM
 57)  Mountain Bluebird W/E/C Sialia currucoides 2015/06/25, 11:35 am, Yosemite National Park, CA
 58)  Townsend's Solitaire W/E/C Myadestes townsendi 2013/12/31, 11:38 am, Valley of Fires Recreation Area, Carrizozo, NM
 59)  American Robin W/E/C Turdus migratorius 2013/06/20, 5:40 pm, Wheaton, IL
 60)  Varied Thrush W/E/C Ixoreus naevius 2014/01/27, 12:10 pm, Bradley State Scenic Viewpoint, Clatskanie, OR

Passeriformes:Bombycillidae (Waxwings)

 61)  Cedar Waxwing W/E/C Bombycilla cedrorum 2013/06/26, 4:16 pm, Lincoln Marsh Natural Area, Wheaton, IL

Passeriformes:Parulidae (New World Warblers)

 62)  Orange-crowned Warbler W/E/C Oreothlypis celata 2013/12/20, 1:04 pm, J.J. Mayes Wildlife Trace, Wallisville, TX
 63)  MacGillivray's Warbler W/E/C Geothlypis tolmiei 2018/8/1, 9:29am, Crater Lake National Park, OR
 64)  Common Yellowthroat W/E/C Geothlypis trichas 2013/07/01, 11:20 am, Lincoln Marsh Natural Area, Wheaton, IL
 65)  Yellow Warbler W/E/C Setophaga petechia 2013/09/01, 8:06 am, Barton Creek Greenbelt, Austin, TX
 66)  Yellow-rumped Warbler W/E/C Setophaga coronata 2013/11/02, 5:45 pm, Field Behind Ed While Elementary School, El Lago, TX
 67)  Hermit Warbler W/E/C Setophaga occidentalis 2018/7/24, 9:31am, Horse Mountain, CA
 68)  Wilson's Warbler W/E/C Cardellina pusilla 2013/09/13, 9:02 am, Lafitte's Cove (UTC 068), Galveston, TX

Passeriformes:Passerellidae (New World Buntings and Sparrows)

 69)  Chipping Sparrow W/E/C Spizella passerina 2014/02/16, 4:12 pm, Matagorda County Birding Nature Center, Bay City, TX
 70)  Dark-eyed Junco W/E/C Junco hyemalis 2013/12/29, 2:34 pm, Bosque Del Apache NWR, San Antonio, NM
 71)  White-crowned Sparrow W/E/C Zonotrichia leucophrys 2013/11/08, 4:41 pm, Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, Anahuac, TX
 72)  Song Sparrow W/E/C Melospiza melodia 2013/07/01, 12:05 pm, Lincoln Marsh Natural Area, Wheaton, IL
 73)  Spotted Towhee W/E/C Pipilo maculatus 2013/12/29, 9:15 am, Bosque Del Apache NWR, San Antonio, NM

Passeriformes:Cardinalidae (Cardinals and Allies)

 74)  Western Tanager W/E/C Piranga ludoviciana 2015/07/07, 11:48 am, Yellowstone National Park, WY
 75)  Black-headed Grosbeak W/E/C Pheucticus melanocephalus 2015/06/20, 11:29 am, Davis Mountains State Park, TX

Passeriformes:Icteridae (Troupials and Allies)

 76)  Red-winged Blackbird W/E/C Agelaius phoeniceus 2013/04/05, 12:19 pm, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
 77)  Brown-headed Cowbird W/E/C Molothrus ater 2013/04/28, 1:02 pm, Ed White Elementary School, El Lago, TX
 78)  Brewer's Blackbird W/E/C Euphagus cyanocephalus 2014/07/31, 12:01 pm, Lucerne, CA

Passeriformes:Fringillidae (Finches, Euphonias, and Allies)

 79)  Purple Finch W/E/C Haemorhous purpureus 2014/10/16, 3:23pm, Freeport, IL
 80)  Cassin's Finch W/E/C Haemorhous cassinii 2018/7/24, 9:25am, Horse Mountain, CA
 81)  Red Crossbill W/E/C Loxia curvirostra 2016/12/29, 10:25am, Patricks Point State Park, Trinidad, CA
 82)  Lesser Goldfinch W/E/C Spinus psaltria 2014/08/01, 10:04 am, Acata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary, Arcata, CA
 83)  American Goldfinch W/E/C Spinus tristis 2013/06/21, 8:51 am, Wheaton, IL

Passeriformes:Passeridae (Old World Sparrows)

 84)  House Sparrow W/E/C Passer domesticus 2013/04/06, 1:24 pm, Bay Area Park, Houston, TX